There have recently been many reports of reckless and irresponsible driving by students in the PA parking lots and roads surrounding the school.
Headmaster Dr. Morris said that he became aware of the issue from the students and parents, along with “observations and concerns from staff members.”
Consequently, the school will suspend parking pass privileges for any offenders.
Officer Webber, the school resource officer, will also meet with offenders to discuss the legal consequences of their actions. “I’m usually going up and down Academy [road] in the mornings,” he said. “There are officers in the area to change a driver’s behaviors.”
Officer Webber said that some of the consequences could happen were towing the car, getting a speeding ticket, and/or losing your license.
Dr. Morris added that he is also aware of incidents where parents or adults dropping off students will drive recklessly then blame it on a student driving around them.