Massachusetts double-feature ‘charms’ audiences
Massachusetts Acton-Boxborough Regional High School was one of two high schools to perform the double-feature pilot production of “Twice Charmed” and “Freaky Friday.”
From thousands of applicants, Acton-Boxborough Regional High School was selected to perform these shows. According to the director Jessica Harms, they were asked to apply after their performance of “Beauty and the Beast” in 2016.
Each show had their own cast, crew and technology teams.
“Twice Charmed” resumes the original Cinderella story after The Prince and Cinderella marry. The step-sisters and step-mother invoke a Wicked Godfather, who turns back time in order to assure Cinderella would not marry the Prince.
Overall, the show was entertaining and well-done. Quick costume changes and background sets enhanced the audience’s experience. For instance, the ensemble had three scenes with differing costumes, including ballroom gowns, 1920’s flapper dresses and peasant clothing.
The only issue was the choreography in a few songs. In songs that functioned as a solo, the choreography distracted the audience away from the soloist.
“Freaky Friday,” on the other hand, contained little choreography but a more complicated set.
“Freaky Friday” is based upon the 1990s movie of the same name where an awkward teenage girl is forced to switch bodies with her mother, a middle-aged small business owner who is trying to organize and cater her own wedding.
This show was more memorable. It had a more difficult sets with lab and lunch tables and a kitchen island to maneuver on and off the stage.
The most outstanding thing about “Freaky Friday” was the duality of the main characters, Ellie (Emma Early) and Kate (Becca Ford). Both actors had to take on two characters and those character’s respective mannerisms.
Overall, both shows stood out in their own ways, but for a teenager, “Freaky Friday” resonated more with me.

Jessica is a senior who spends most of her time asleep.
And if she’s not asleep, she’s in the PA Auditorium preparing for the upcoming show.