Lachance remain an ‘unstoppable force’

On a windy October day, the student body gathered in the football field behind the school to watch the pep rally and final Powder Puff football game, wrapping up Homecoming Week at PA.

After the fall sports parade, headmaster Mr. Famulari’s announced PA’s “Student of the Month” for September: junior Scott Lachance.  

Introduction to Woodworking teacher Mr. Ricard nominated Lachance and the Pembroke Academy Leadership Team (PALT) selected him as September’s Student of the Month.  

According to Mr. Famulari, the PALT chose Lachance for his work ethic in the classroom and his ability to “mentor his classmates as a safety benefit” in Woodworking. 

The requirements for Student of the Month are clearly stated: the student should be “respectful, civil, kind and demonstrate academic achievement.” 

Not only does Lachance demonstrate the aforementioned attributes in the classroom, but on the football field as well, where he plays wide receiver for the Spartans. Mr. Famulari described Lachance as an “unstoppable force” on the gridiron. 

Lachance serves as an exemplar student-athlete, working hard and pushing others to reach their fullest potential. 

A Pembroke-native, Lachance said he was surprised to be named Student of the Month. “Once they called my name, I thought I was going to be, like, an example of a troublemaker,” he said. 

Rather than being embarrassed called to stand in front of the entire student body, Lachance was pleased to be recognized for his hard work. “It’s nice to be set as a good example, rather than a bad one,” he said. 

Junior Tyler Chaput said it was nice to see Lachances’ personal growth from middle school to high school. 

“Throughout the years, I definitely think that he’s matured,” said Chaput. “He’s the kind of person to go out of his way to help you if you needed it.” 

While Lachance does not feel much added pressure due to the recognition, he does more pressure to perform well in the football games after the pep rally.

“I was excited to know that they see [my leadership qualities],” said Lachance.