The Do’s and Don’t’s of quarantine
These are unprecedented times. No one truly understands what is going on right now. Some of us are confused, some of us are scared.
But, mostly, we’re bored.
So, in light of this, I’ve compiled a list of things to do and, conversely, not do during quarantine.
Do clean and organize your bedroom.
With all this free time, this is one of the best things to do. Reorganizing a bedroom can be one of the best things for humans. It keeps the brain and body busy while helping with persona hygiene.
Don’t start huge renovation projects.
In any normal spring situation, renovation projects are a great idea. But with the state issued “stay at home” order, any new supplies and materials could be inaccessible. It’s not so easy to hit the Home Depot for forgotten supplies when one is quarantined.
Do try new styles.
Almost no one is going to see you for days on end. The pressures of high school and fitting in are no longer present, a fashion faux pas will go unnoticed. Try wearing that new shirt or that dramatic cat eye/makeup look. Wear the dresses hanging in your closet. Rock sweatpants if you wouldn’t normally. Try something new. Upstyle (changing clothing by cutting or adding clothing to a preexisting piece) what you have to fit a new style.
Bonus tip: Try painting denim, such as jean jackets or back pockets.
Don’t reinvent your entire wardrobe.
To do this, one needs access to a shopping mall. And while retail is becoming obsolete, shipping will increase prices (unless you have Amazon Prime) and with most of inventory being made in China, it can be assumed that these items would be more expensive and excessive. Plus, you can’t try your clothes on with
Bonus warning: Girls, I know you’re bored. I am, too. But please, don’t give yourself bangs. We will get through this without bangs.
Do get into a routine.
It was suggested that people keep their daily routines. As teenagers, most of us will not be waking up before 7 a.m. to complete the newly assigned schoolwork. We will sleep in until we are forced out of bed. But a routine, such as showering, cleaning your face and sticking to a schedule will make the adjustment to quarantine or social distancing slightly easier.
Remember to try and take medications around the same time each day.
Don’t forget about personal health while in isolation.
If you haven’t visited the outside world in a while, showering may not seem practical or necessary. But it is important to keep your body healthy. That includes skin, scalps and, especially, hands. Please wash your hands.
Remember, to drink lots of water and keep your immune system healthy with vitamin supplements, especially vitamin C. And exercise. Bodies are not meant to be idle.
Do support your neighbors.
Local businesses, especially in the food industry remain open for delivery. Try and support these businesses. Order takeout. Support local farm stands. Check in on friends and neighbors through video chats and text messages and make sure they are safe.
Don’t spend money on non-essentials.
While supporting local businesses is important, so is financial security. If takeout is an option, make it a treat. Once every two weeks or so, get takeout from your favorite hometown restaurant, or try a new place. But be responsible with your money. Supporting local businesses is not a reason to break the bank eating out five times a week.
Sure, quarantine is boring. Social distancing is boring. But with these suggestions, this boredom can be manageable. But, most of all, take care of yourself. This is not forever. And maybe when this is all said and done, we’ll come out of it with a new appreciation for the little things in life.

Jessica is a senior who spends most of her time asleep.
And if she’s not asleep, she’s in the PA Auditorium preparing for the upcoming show.