Ms. Evans strikes a new tune at PA

Lacey Duggan, Staff

Pembroke Academy welcomed new staff members to our community for the 2019-2020 school year. One of these teacher’s classes’ can be heard belting out notes from the chorus room. 

Her name is Ms. Evans. 

Ms. Evans came to Pembroke Academy from Bow High School, looking for a new challenge. She said she is excited to be teaching a wide variety of classes and getting to know the students in the PA community. 

So far, she said everyone has been really welcoming to her. 

Ms. Evans taught chorus and theater at Bow High School for eight years and has been part of chorus since grade school. 

“Teaching just made sense,” said Ms. Evans. “I realized I had been doing it all my life, so why not?”

Ms. Evans earned her undergraduate degree in theater and performance at Muhlenberg College in Allentown, Pa. She then to complete a Master’s degree in teaching at Boston University. 

Ms. Evans grew up in Litchfield and attended summer camps for music in the Manchester-area. In high school, she played the saxophone but said wasn’t great at it, so she decided to stick with chorus and theater.

Along with teaching at PA, Ms. Evans also teaches a youth theater organization on the weekends in Concord, where she currently lives.