NSYNC said it best: ‘Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays’


Gwendolyn Collins, Staff

Every year, winter brings back the same trite “Merry Christmas” versus “Happy Holidays” debate. While there are those who celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, a large and growing demographic doesn’t celebrate the birth of Christ, and some don’t celebrate Christmas at all.

With growing diversity in the American culture, it is time to address the issue.

Not every person is going to have the same opinion, ever. Differences are what make us human. This country was founded upon the idea of “Great American Melting Pot”. But what some people struggle to understand is that these differences are normal.

Saying “Happy Hanukkah” or “Merry Christmas” to a friend or a stranger who is Jewish or Catholic is not betraying your own religion, it is employing basic respect for the other person.

On the same note, if you don’t know what holiday they celebrate, saying “Happy Holidays”, “Season’s Greetings” or “Joyous Yuletide” is politically safe and perfectly acceptable as well.

This “War on Christmas” that has been created largely by Fox News isn’t real. No one is trying to tell you that you can’t celebrate your holiday, and no one is telling you what holiday to celebrate. The goal is to respect everyone’s beliefs and values.

The problem isn’t created by accidentally saying “Merry Christmas” to a Jewish person; the problem is people intentionally ignoring someone else’s belief to impose your own.

So Happy Hanukkah, Season’s Greetings, Happy Pancha Ganapati, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Joyful Yuletide, Happy Festivus and have a Happy New Year.