PA makes plans for the winter break

December 20, 2019
With the holiday season upon us, school will be in recess for Winter Break starting on Friday, Dec. 20 to Thursday, Jan. 2., and many faculty and students have plans for the vacation.
Breaks are meant to be relaxing and stress-free, but for some students, break means working, playing sports or last-minute holiday shopping.
Junior Ben Kabanda plans on laying low.
“I’m going to stay home and read, while also doing homework and playing hockey,” he said..
Without a driver’s license, many freshmen and sophomores are reliant on parents to cart them around, and with the parents at work, many are stuck at home playing video games and watching television.
“I’m going to stay home, hangout with family and friends, and watch Hulu,” said sophomore Dylan Guillmette
For upperclassmen, it’s easier to go out and hang out with friends, go to work or go and do errands.
“What I’m doing over break is babysitting, house sitting, working, celebrating Christmas and hanging out with friends,” said senior Carter Pillsbury.
Faculty and staff are also looking forward to time off. Paraprofessional Mr. Mike plans on traveling and visiting his family during the break.
“I’m going to visit family, eat food, play with my dogs, and also travel to Massachusetts and Rhode Island,” he said.
The Winter Break is the longest vacation of the school year, spanning 10 days. The February and April breaks, respectively, are each five days.