Trump’s decision leaves our allies to be slaughtered

October 25, 2019
Though I am not of voting age yet, I have a few things I would like to tell our current president.
While I am not, and never will advocate for the continuation of unnecessary military involvement, pulling our troops out of Syria was a terrible idea, Mr. Trump. It allowed for Turkey to move in and attack The Kurds, our long standing allies who helped us combat terrorism and fight ISIS. Allies who you have now left to be slaughtered.
Mind you, I do not blame you for the tension on the Syrian border. It’s been there for thousands of years.
I do, however, blame you for the deaths caused by the lack of US troops now. If you continue to use our allies as disposable swords, there won’t be any more allies in the region to rely on, although I’m sure Mr. Putin approves.
As you are the businessman, let’s think of this as a business.
So the Kurds is a startup company that the big brand [United States] is supporting because the Kurds have some new technology that we need. Once we get this new technology, we stop supporting the startup company.
At this point, you may think to yourself, Mr. President: A self-sustaining company is better than one that needs partnerships.
I’m sorry to tell you but that is not true. Isolationism does not work in this day and age. The only known countries to succeed at isolationism were China and Japan, both before new age technology and international trading became essential to economics.
Now, I know that backing down from your retreat is not possible anymore. You can’t look weak. But to those who really understand the situations on the Syrian border, they know that you are neither strong or helpful in this action. You are impulsive. You think only of your campaign for the upcoming elections, not your constituency — the American people.