PA Players to perform Disney’s ‘Beauty and the Beast’
October 25, 2019
The PA Players, Pembroke Academy’s drama club, will perform the fall musical play “Beauty and the Beast” on Nov. 8 -10.
The play “Beauty and the Beast,” based off the Disney movie, centers around the main character Belle who gives up her freedom for the love of her father, Maurice. She is then kept in captivity by The Prince (The Beast), and a love story ensues.
Sophomores Megan Teaseck and Jonah Reycroft are cast as the leads, playing Belle and The Beast, respectively.
Director Ms. Parkinson said her co-director Ms. Evans and the entire cast are working hard with rehearsals on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
“Preparing for the play is time consuming but fun,” said Ms. Parkinson, who is also a dean of students. “We spend a lot of time running lines, choosing blocking, going shopping and sewing.”
She said the preparation and rehearsal can be “draining” but the cast has “such a great time.”
Ms. Parkinson added that there is so much to be done before the curtain opens, and the drama club is looking for new volunteers to help paint sets, make costumes and build props.
Students and faculty can purchase tickets during lunch the week prior to the play for $5. Tickets are $7 at the door.