National Writing Day makes its mark at PA

Korah Canney-Goddard, Staff

PA’s English Department celebrated National Writing Day on Oct. 21 with a number of writing activities held in the auditorium during students’ English classes.

The PA English Department wanted their students to enjoy the craft of composing letters without academic stuffiness.

“It’s important for our students because there is a lot of academic writing and it’s nice to have a break and write for fun,” said English teacher Mrs. Berger.

English teachers Ms. Paquette and Ms. Gelinas came up with the idea during their October a department meeting.

Students sat in groups in the auditorium at four different stations.  Within these groups, students worked together to write a piece in the genre of their choice. 

“We decided to provide students with choices, as long as they’re writing and wanting to write, then that’s great,” said English teacher Mrs. Mullen. 

When the students were finished writing, they were able to choose their favorite line and write them on the “graffiti board,” a large piece of paper that sat on the stage. 

Plans for next year’s National Writing Day have not been discussed, but given the success of this year’s event “something is likely,” said Journalism teacher Mr. Graziano.